Nauset Rod & Gun Club 2nd Annual Shotgun Championship – September 3rd

1st Shotgun Champion Mike Hackwork (center) with Chris Ramel (Right) and Garner LeStage (Left)

The Nauset Rod & Gun Club will hold its 2nd annual Shotgun Championship on September 3, 2023. This event is open to all Club members. Please join us for a fun morning of shooting and camaraderie.

2023 Nauset Gun Club Shotgun Championship

Date: September 3, 2023 beginning at 9:00am. Sign-in starts at 8:30am.

Place: NR&GC Shotgun Range

Format: three rounds of 25 clays. Shoot-off in case of a tie. Greatest number of hits wins championship.

Awards for top three finishers

Participation Cost: $45 (including shells and clays)

Competition Rules:

  • Trap championship is open to all club members.
  • Shotguns provided by participants or club Shotgun will be available. Ammo and clays supplied by Club.
  • Format will consist of three rounds of 25 clays. Each participant will take a turn of six clays, two at a time, before moving onto the next participant. The last turn will include seven clays.
  • Round 1: Single clays from low house on report.
  • Round 2: Single clays from high house on report.
  • Round 3: Double clays from high and low houses.
  • In the event of a tie, sudden death round of six clays, Trapper choice, until winner selected.
  • The Trapper will be the ultimate judge as to if a clay was hit.